Need to export Checklists as PDF for auditing or quality control? Now you can select multiple checklists to export at once.
Exporting multiple checklists to one PDF.
  • Customized Filtering:
    Quickly select multiple checklists with our filtering options. Tailor your selection based on project-specific criteria to ensure you're capturing exactly what you need for your reports.
  • Single PDF Export:
    With a click of a button, export your selected checklists into a single, consolidated PDF document. This makes it easier than ever to compile, share, and track project-specific checklists.
  • Streamlined Reporting:
    Save valuable time and enhance your reporting process. This feature simplifies the compilation of important checklist information, making it straightforward to distribute and discuss project progress with your team and stakeholders.
Access the feature via the meatball menu in Checklists in the Didit hub:
Filter and select the checklists that you want to export and create one collated PDF:
Happy checklist managing!